Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really TrueThe Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True by Richard Dawkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It was interesting to read about the mythological stories from different cultures and eras. I was rather more impressed by "The God Delusion" than by "The magic of reality". Perhaps, because it was my first Richard Dawkins's book and I was hugely impressed by the argument made there (as the same was in my subconscious all my life). The debunking of myth in this book is something not very new to me. However, it includes bits and peaces of information that I was not aware of and I profoundly enjoyed gaining information about those bits.
I specifically liked the part related to "sleep paralysis" as I experience the same quite often. Back in my "Theistic" days, I use to relate it with supernatural (Guilty as charged). But as I started to think rationally over things, it was not quite logical to follow.
I recommend this book to people seeking an empirical evidence against the so-called "miracle" of past. A typical Dawkins style approach to encourage people to think rationally.
I enjoyed reading it.

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